No 4 (20): 18.

Economics and management


Scientific article


Pavel Shadrin
magistracy, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation),

Consequences of the transition to the project finance of housing construction

Scientific adviser:
Katina Irina Eduardovna
Yulia V. Nikonova
Paper submitted on: 04/29/2020;
Accepted on: 12/23/2020;
Abstract. The article is devoted to the transition from equity financing in the field of housing construction to project finance. As part of the study, the mechanisms for financing housing construction were compared under the old and new rules. On the basis of this comparison, conclusions were drawn as to the consequences for the State, developers and buyers of apartments that the transition under consideration would have.
Keywords: project finance; deceived equity holders; housing construction; escrow account, equity participation agreement

For citation: Shadrin, P. Consequences of the transition to the project finance of housing construction. StudArctic forum. 2020, 4 (20): 18.


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