No 1 (17): 5.

Economics and management


Scientific article

UDK 330.88


Sergey S. Vereshko
Postgraduate studies, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
(Moscow, Leningradsky prospekt, 49),

Institutional trust as the factor of economic development

Scientific adviser:
Yurzinova Irina Leonidovna
Doctor of Economics
Paper submitted on: 03/02/2020;
Accepted on: 03/06/2020;
Abstract. The article considers the role of trust as a the factor of economic development. Based on OECD data, 7 types of trust are distinguished and an emphasis is placed on institutional trust, which is understood by the author as a citizen's trust in public and private organizations. Based on relevant data from sociological studies, a conclusion is drawn on the dynamics in the field of institutional trust.
Keywords: economic growth, political trust, institutional economics, trust

For citation: Vereshko, S. S. Institutional trust as the factor of economic development. StudArctic forum. 2020, 1 (17): 5.

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