No 2 (10): 3.

Engineering and construction technology


Scientific article


Mikhail Podovinnikov
applied baccalaureate course, PetrSU
(Lenin street, 33),
Eduard Osipov
applied baccalaureate course, PetrSU
(Lenin street, 33),

Construction of a truss system of a historic wooden building built in 1914 in the village of Essoila

Maria I. Zaitseva
Accepted on: 12/12/2018;
Abstract. today more and more offers from the small firms offering various services in the construction market, in particular – erection of truss systems and fellings. As a student studying in the construction sector, we are concerned about the lack of quality of such works performed by modern builders. We were lucky enough to participate in the dismantling of the historic building, during which we learned a lot of new and interesting things
Keywords: truss system, felling, axe, historical building, hospital

For citation: Podovinnikov, M. , Osipov, E. Construction of a truss system of a historic wooden building built in 1914 in the village of Essoila. StudArctic forum. 2018, 2 (10): 3.


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