No 1 (9): 7.

Mathematics and Mechanics


Scientific article


Timur A. Samusenko
Petrozavodsk State University
(Lenina, 33),

Normed lattices of measurable functions and order properties of the norm

Scientific adviser:
Shestakov Vladimir Alexandrovich
Paper submitted on: 06/08/2018;
Accepted on: 07/13/2018;
Abstract. The article "Normed lattices of measurable functions and order properties of the norm" is devoted to some questions on the properties of a norm in normed spaces of measurable functions.
Keywords: ordinal properties of a norm, measurable functions

For citation: Samusenko, T. A. Normed lattices of measurable functions and order properties of the norm. StudArctic forum. 2018, 1 (9): 7.


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