No 4 (8): 13.



Scientific article


Svetlana E. Ganockaya
baccalaureate, Petrozavodsk state University
(Lomonosova 65),

Responsibility for terrorism and crimes adjacent to it

Scientific adviser:
Научный руководитель – к. ю. н.
доц. Г. И. Цепляева
Galina I. Tseplyaeva
Paper submitted on: 01/17/2018;
Accepted on: 03/27/2018;
Abstract. Abstract. This paper examines terrorism as a phenomenon of modern reality and analyses the specific gaps and shortcomings in criminal legislation regulating the responsibility for crimes of terrorist orientation.
Keywords: Key words: terrorism, terrorist crimes, to combat terrorism, terrorist groups, terrorist organization, complicity in the crime.

For citation: Ganockaya, S. E. Responsibility for terrorism and crimes adjacent to it. StudArctic forum. 2017, 4 (8): 13.



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