No 4 (8): 9.

Engineering and construction technology


Scientific article


Anton V. Kantyshev
post graduate sudent 2 year, Petrozavodsk state University
(Russia, Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk, Lenin Ave., 33),

The effect of the initial humidity and the duration of drying and impregnation of aspen samples on their state

Scientific adviser:
Kolesnikov Gennadiy Nikolaevich
Aleksey Borisov
Paper submitted on: 09/27/2017;
Accepted on: 05/21/2018;
Abstract. According to the road map of the government of the Russian Federation, the priority is the deep processing of raw materials mined in the country. In this connection, the production of building materials from local raw materials is of undoubted interest. To increase the service life and increase the fire safety of wooden structures, they are impregnated with various compositions. The results of experiments performed in the laboratory of the Institute of Forest, Mountain and Building Sciences of Petrozavodsk State University are presented in order to assess the effect of humidity and the duration of drying and impregnation of aspen samples on their condition.
Keywords: impregnation, drying, protection from fire, Shimadzu

For citation: Kantyshev, A. V. The effect of the initial humidity and the duration of drying and impregnation of aspen samples on their state. StudArctic forum. 2017, 4 (8): 9.


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