Vol. 7, No 4: 31–34.



Scientific article

UDK 94(470.22)+ 314.925.2


Ilya A. Uriadnikov
bachelor’s degree, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation),

Pomor identity in the XXI century (on the example of the village of Nyukhcha)

Scientific adviser:
Ilya M. Solomeshch
Anton A. Malyshko
Paper submitted on: 12/03/2022;
Accepted on: 12/05/2022;
Published online on: 12/25/2022.
Abstract. The article presents a preliminary analysis of the materials obtained during the interviewing of residents of the old Pomor’s settlement of Nyukhcha in the summer of 2022. The task is to identify, systematize and summarize data on the correlation of markers of national, ethnic, regional and local identity of the current residents of Nyukhcha.
Keywords: historical memory, local identity, Karelian Pomorye, Pomors, Pomor trade

For citation: Uriadnikov, I. A. Pomor identity in the XXI century (on the example of the village of Nyukhcha). StudArctic forum. 2022, 7 (4): 31–34.


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