Vol. 7, No 4: 52–61.



Scientific article

UDK 159.9.07


Andrey A. Ermakov
bachelor’s degree, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation),

The connection of the phonosemantic organization of the narrative text with its suggestive properties (the first stage of experimental research).

Scientific adviser:
Yuri S. Proshutinsky
Elena O. Burachevskaya
Paper submitted on: 06/16/2022;
Accepted on: 11/20/2022;
Published online on: 12/25/2022.
Abstract. This article is addressed to the problem of visual sound, which has attracted the attention of researchers over the past 50 years. The features of the representation of phonetic meaning in the human psyche were considered from the standpoint of the theory of higher nervous activity and the levels of its regulating signals. Also, the peculiarities of the correlation of phonosemantics as a psycholinguistic discipline with semiotics as the science of signs and sign systems were noted. The study of the connection of the phonosemantic organization of a narrative text with its suggestive properties has a multilevel basis, and this paper presents its first stage. It experimentally studied the issues of stability of phonetic values in a time perspective and outlined general theoretical and specifically empirical premises for the second stage of the study.
Keywords: phonosemantics, semiotics, sound figurativeness, VND, phonetic meaning

For citation: Ermakov, A. A. The connection of the phonosemantic organization of the narrative text with its suggestive properties (the first stage of experimental research).. StudArctic forum. 2022, 7 (4): 52–61.


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