No 2 (6): 13.

Economics and management


Scientific article

UDK 69.003


Kristina Misyukevich
Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University
(St.Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya, 29),
Viktoriya I. Udalova
Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University
(St.Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya, 29),

Factors for selection of a contractor when conducting tenders

Paper submitted on: 04/12/2017;
Accepted on: 10/26/2017;
Abstract. The article provides an overview of the current Russian system of evaluation of contractors and suppliers in the construction sector on the basis of competitive selection of participants of procurement. Describes the main requirements to construction organizations of the Russian Federation when conducting procurement procedures. The authors indicated a lack of legislatively established criteria for assessing applications and final proposals of the procurement participants. Proposed a number of additional criteria that, according to the authors, it is advisable to make a practice of evaluation in conducting the competitive tenders. These criteria will allow the auction organizer to obtain more complete and objective information about all procurement participants and thereby increase the efficiency of selection of providers.
Keywords: public procurement, system of public contracts, tender requirements for bidders, criteria for assessing applications

For citation: Misyukevich, K. , Udalova, V. I. Factors for selection of a contractor when conducting tenders. StudArctic forum. 2017, 2 (6): 13.


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