Vol. 7, No 3: 80–84.

Energy and electrical engineering


Scientific article

UDK 621.3


Pavel Petrushkin
bachelor's degree, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation),
Ivan Sidorenko
bachelor's degree, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation),

On the application of energy storage systems

Scientific adviser:
Denis E. Petrushin
Ludmila Devyatnikova
Paper submitted on: 05/29/2022;
Accepted on: 06/19/2022;
Published online on: 10/01/2022.
Abstract. The article describes energy storage systems, their types, advantages and methods of application. One of the ways of interaction of energy storage devices with a Single energy system is clearly described. The article also presents several news about the situation of the energy storage systems industry in Russia. The purpose of the article is to familiarize the reader with electric energy storage devices and to justify the expediency of their use for various purposes, as well as to demonstrate the state's interest in the development of the scientific, technical and production base of the industry. Research methods – research of news reports on the development of energy storage in Russia, as well as their analytics. The result of the work is a conclusion about the rapid growth rates of the industry, through which the development of the fuel and energy complex and the economy of Russia is ensured.
Keywords: Energy storage systems, electric power, Unified Energy System, electric power industry, Fuel and Energy complex, Renewable Energy Sources

For citation: Petrushkin, P. , Sidorenko, I. On the application of energy storage systems. StudArctic forum. 2022, 7 (3): 80–84.


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At the enterprise of Rosatom, the first in Russia installation of "Commercial dispatching based on energy storage devices" was put into commercial operation. URL: https://www.rosatom.ru/journalist/arkhiv-novostey/na-predpriyatii-rosatoma-vveli-v-promyshlennuyu-ekspluatatsiyu-pervuyu-ustanovku-kommercheskiy-dispe/. (date of access: 05.05.2022).

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Energy storage devices have been put into operation in 19 regions of Russia. URL: https://rreda.ru/novosti/tpost/3gskmaslr1-v-19-regionah-rossii-vvedeni-v-rabotu-na. (date of access: 05.05.2022).

Types of storage and methods of "packaging" of electricity. URL: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/eenergy/vidy-nakopitelei-i-sposoby-upakovki-elektroenergii-5f368e3b1671f158ddbc79d0 (date of access: 05.05.2022).

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Rosatom will build a plant for the production of lithium-ion cells and energy storage systems in the Kaliningrad region. URL: https://www.rosatom.ru/journalist/news/rosatom-postroit-zavod-po-proizvodstvu-litiy-ionnykh-yacheek-i-sistem- nakopleniya -energii-v-kalining/ (date of access: 05.05.2022).

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