Vol. 7, No 3: 40–44.

Computer Science and Informatics


Scientific article

UDK 004.89


Sabrina Sadiekh
bachelor's degree, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation),

Analysis of an approach to the construction of a fish population estimation system based on the Yolov4 neural network

Scientific adviser:
Alexandr R. Alexandrovich
Paper submitted on: 05/29/2022;
Accepted on: 06/12/2022;
Published online on: 10/01/2022.
Abstract. The estimation of fish abundance is important for understanding the mechanisms of changes in marine ecosystems. For this purpose, video recording methods are increasingly used, the use of which, however, is limited by the complexity of manual image processing.
The article considers one of the possible approaches to the construction of an automatic population estimation system based on a neural network (NS). In the course of the work, a sufficiently high accuracy of counting the number of fish was obtained (correlation with manual counting of 0.996) and data on the patterns of tidal migrations of the three-spined stickleback in the White Sea coast were obtained.
Keywords: neural networks, White Sea, number, yolo, video image analysis

For citation: Sadiekh, S. Analysis of an approach to the construction of a fish population estimation system based on the Yolov4 neural network. StudArctic forum. 2022, 7 (3): 40–44.


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