Vol. 7, No 2: 81–88.



Scientific article

UDK 372.881.161.1


Darya Pisareva
bachelor, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation),

Using linguistic simulators in Russian language lessons

Scientific adviser:
Olga S. Kazakovtseva
Anna Skoropadskaya
Paper submitted on: 05/28/2022;
Accepted on: 06/01/2022;
Published online on: 06/22/2022.
Abstract. The article discusses computer learning tools (CLT), their types, advantages and disadvantages. Scientific and pedagogical literature indicates the popularity of CLT among teaching staff and their effectiveness. The simulators were created on the Coreapp.api and Learningapps.org for the 7th grade on the topic "N – NN in participles and adjectives". Thanks to CLT, the visibility of the educational material is ensured, the motivation of students to study the subject increases, the principle of interactivity is implemented.
Keywords: Russian language, computer learning tools, computerization, computer linguistic simulator, Coreapp.api, Learningapps.org

For citation: Pisareva, D. Using linguistic simulators in Russian language lessons. StudArctic forum. 2022, 7 (2): 81–88.


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