Vol. 7, No 2: 25–32.



Scientific article

UDK 93/94


Dmitry V. Sigaev
bachelor’s degree, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation),

The Local Air Defense (LAD) in Karelia on the eve of the Great Patriotic War

Scientific adviser:
Oksana Y. Repukhova
Ilya M. Solomeshch
Paper submitted on: 05/24/2022;
Accepted on: 05/31/2022;
Published online on: 06/22/2022.
Abstract. The main task of the Local Air Defense in border Karelia was to protect the local population and the national economy from enemy attacks from the air, and to eliminate the possible consequences of an attack. For the Local Air Defense of Karelia, the pre-war years became the period of formation of the system, during which many difficulties arose. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the shortcomings of the Local Air Defense system could not be completely eliminated. During the war, the pre-war problems of the Local Air Defense made themselves felt, but thanks to the heroism of the Local Air Defense employees, the system proved to be effective.
Keywords: The Local Air Defense, Karelia, The Great Patriotic War, population, protection

For citation: Sigaev, D. V. The Local Air Defense (LAD) in Karelia on the eve of the Great Patriotic War. StudArctic forum. 2022, 7 (2): 25–32.


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