Vol. 7, No 2: 3–6.

Zootechnics and Veterinary Medicine


Scientific article

UDK УДК 636.7


Alina A. Baslyk
bachelor’s degree, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation),

Assessment of Zootechnics students’ practical training in the field of cynology

Scientific adviser:
Larisa N. Muravya
Valeria Y. Sirotinina
Paper submitted on: 05/12/2022;
Accepted on: 05/16/2022;
Published online on: 06/22/2022.
Abstract. The article presents the results of a survey of PetrSU’s Zootechnics students of in terms of practical training in the field of cynology. The study was conducted depending on students’ specialization. It was concluded that students who specialized in cynology had more experience of interacting with dogs than students who chose animal husbandry.
Keywords: sociological survey, students, cynology, Zootechnics, dogs

For citation: Baslyk, A. A. Assessment of Zootechnics students’ practical training in the field of cynology. StudArctic forum. 2022, 7 (2): 3–6.


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