No 1 (5): 131–137.

Economics and management


Scientific article

UDK 330.101.22


Anastasia V. Fedorova
(33 Lenin St., Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk),

Social inequality in the Russian Federation

Paper submitted on: 04/02/2017;
Accepted on: 04/20/2017;
Abstract. The article deals with issues related to the causes that cause social inequality, presents various points of view of experts on this problem and approaches to measuring inequality. It assesses how much social inequality in Russia, highlight the main ways to solve this problem, with critical remarks on the proposed options.
Keywords: Social inequality in Russia; the Gini index; the middle class; Social differentiation; poverty

For citation: Fedorova, A. V. Social inequality in the Russian Federation. StudArctic forum. 2017, 1 (5): 131–137.

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