Vol. 7, No 1: 8–17.

History and archeology


Scientific article

UDK 93/94


Ivan Kiriyenko
magistracy, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation),

The Image of the era of the 1990s on the air of the program "Evening with Vladimir Solovyov" from 07/19/2018

Scientific adviser:
Alexander V. Antoshchenko
Ilya M. Solomeshch
Paper submitted on: 03/28/2022;
Accepted on: 03/30/2022;
Published online on: 04/05/2022.
Abstract. Addressing the problem of the image of the historical era in the media is of particular relevance, as television broadcasting is a new type of source, broadcasting some of the contemporary representations of the past. The study of TV broadcasts is a relevant strategy for understanding the past, corresponding to the general trend of the linguistic turn. The aim of the work was to identify the underlying linguistic characteristics of the image of the 1990s through a discourse analysis of the speeches of the on-air participants. The results of the work include the identification of the contradictory nature of the evaluations of the 1990s in the programme Evening with Vladimir Solovyov, in which we observed the clash of the formed "statist" and "liberal" discourses. The analysis of the image of the epoch in the domestic media can be extended by referring to other TV programmes. The article will be of interest to historians, political scientists, sociologists and journalists
Keywords: discourse, image, implication, semantics, linguistic turn

For citation: Kiriyenko, I. The Image of the era of the 1990s on the air of the program "Evening with Vladimir Solovyov" from 07/19/2018. StudArctic forum. 2022, 7 (1): 8–17.


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