No 1 (5): 112–120.

Economics and management


Scientific article

UDK 332.025.28


Sergey S. Vereshko
Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, prospect Lenina, 33),

Privatization of state's companies as an instrument for management income of state budget

Paper submitted on: 04/01/2017;
Accepted on: 04/08/2017;
Abstract. In this article author analyze modern privatization processes from the point of view of their expediency and matching main goals of privatization. Author conclude on opportunity to achieve an improvement of efficiency of property management during a privatization, optimization its structure and sale of large companies's shares at the best price. On the whole question of privatization is controversial.
Keywords: Privatization of state property, the structure of block of shares in federal property, income from privatization of state companies

For citation: Vereshko, S. S. Privatization of state's companies as an instrument for management income of state budget. StudArctic forum. 2017, 1 (5): 112–120.


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