Vol. 7, No 1: 87–100.



Scientific article

UDK 34


Valentina Medvedeva
magistracy, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation),

Digital transformation of the bidding procedure

Scientific adviser:
Roman V. Tumanov
Anastasia A. Shljamina
Paper submitted on: 01/16/2022;
Accepted on: 02/15/2022;
Published online on: 04/05/2022.
Abstract. The description of the digital transformation of the bidding procedure proposed in the article is due to the universal spread of digital technologies, in particular, in the institution of organizing and conducting tenders in electronic form. The purpose of the analysis in the article is to determine the changes in certain legal acts concerning the introduction of electronic bidding procedures, which resulted in the need to systematize the legislative regulation of the electronic bidding mechanism and establish a unified conceptual approach. In addition to the method of examining the current legislation the author has analyzed emerging disputes between participants and organizers of electronic bidding, the resolution of which is reflected in the positions of antimonopoly and judicial authorities.
Keywords: electronic bidding, bidding procedure, digital transformation

For citation: Medvedeva, V. Digital transformation of the bidding procedure. StudArctic forum. 2022, 7 (1): 87–100.


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