No 4 (24): 62–68.

Linguistics and literature


Scientific article

UDK 82-31


Marina Bakhlaeva
bachelor, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation),

The Use of Scandinavian Mythological Poetry in Oden Scott's Fantasy Novel "A Gathering of Ravens"

Scientific adviser:
Natalia G. Sharapenkova
Paper submitted on: 10/13/2021;
Accepted on: 10/13/2021;
Published online on: 12/23/2021.
Abstract. This article presents the reception of Scandinavian mythology in the works of the American writer Oden Scott (born 1967). It is showed by using the example of his fantasy novel "A Gathering of Ravens", which is practically unknown to the Russian-speaking reader. In it, we see the relevance of the undertaken researches. The subject is the use of the Northern European cultural and mythological tradition in O. Scott's novel.
Keywords: myth, mythology, Eddaic poetry, The Poetic Edda, Scandinavian tradition, Oden Scott

For citation: Bakhlaeva, M. The Use of Scandinavian Mythological Poetry in Oden Scott's Fantasy Novel "A Gathering of Ravens". StudArctic forum. 2021, 4 (24): 62–68.

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