No 4 (24): 69–74.

Linguistics and literature


Scientific article

UDK 81


Anastasia Trofimenko
Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation),

Lexical adaptation and artificial word formation in the terminology of the sciences of history

Scientific adviser:
Anna A. Skoropadskaya
Evgenia Litinskaya
Paper submitted on: 10/11/2021;
Accepted on: 10/16/2021;
Published online on: 12/23/2021.
Abstract. The article is devoted to the topic of the influence of classical languages on the derivation of scientific terms. The object of the analysis is the terminology of Greek or Latin origin in the sciences of history. In the course of the study, a selection of 50 terms was compiled, which were divided into borrowed from classical languages and artificially created. The quantitative ratio showed that not only the terms created in the modern history are significant, but also the terms that obtained their terminological significance in antiquity. Thus, the relevance of classical languages in the formation and borrowing of scientific terms has been confirmed.
Keywords: term, terminology of sciences, science of history, classical languages, history, construction of terms

For citation: Trofimenko, A. Lexical adaptation and artificial word formation in the terminology of the sciences of history. StudArctic forum. 2021, 4 (24): 69–74.


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