No 4 (24): 9–12.

History and archeology


Scientific article

UDK 93/94


Dmitry Sigaev
bachelor, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation),

The activity of the Local air Defense Forces (LPVF) in Karelia from 1945 to 1961.

Scientific adviser:
Oksana Repukhova
Ilya M. Solomeshch
Paper submitted on: 10/01/2021;
Accepted on: 10/16/2021;
Published online on: 12/23/2021.
Abstract. The main task of the local air defense of Karelia was to protect the local population and the national economy from enemy attacks from the air and eliminate the possible consequences of the attack. During the Cold War, the state developed an air defense system, but the Karelian air defense system still had problems that hindered development. The article analyzes the activities of the local air force from 1945 to 1961, identifies the problems of the system and their causes.
Keywords: LPVF, Karelia, Cold War, population, protection

For citation: Sigaev, D. The activity of the Local air Defense Forces (LPVF) in Karelia from 1945 to 1961.. StudArctic forum. 2021, 4 (24): 9–12.

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