No 1 (21): 19.

Linguistics and literature


Scientific article



Margo Begun
Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation),

Jazz motifs in A. Polyakov's poem "America" ("Round Midnight"): analysis experience in intermediality studies

Anna Skoropadskaya
Paper submitted on: 03/17/2021;
Accepted on: 03/19/2021;
Abstract. The article explores the relationship between music and poetry, namely the functioning of jazz motives in a poetic text. In the course of the intermedial analysis of A. Polyakov's poem “America (“Round Midnight”), musical codes in the literary text are revealed at different levels, such techniques as polyrhythmic, fainting, chromatism, and cases of “transposition” of cultural and historical experience and the ecphrasis of bebopper. It is concluded that the poet has successfully created an artistic "metalanguage" and its importance in the context of the literary space.
Keywords: interaction of arts, intermediality, performativity, jazz and poetry, bebop, ekphrasis, cultural semiotics, metalanguage, Andrey Polyakov, Thelonius Monk

For citation: Begun, M. Jazz motifs in A. Polyakov's poem "America" ("Round Midnight"): analysis experience in intermediality studies. StudArctic forum. 2021, 1 (21): 19.


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