No 1 (21): 1.

Biological Sciences


Scientific article

UDK 57


Artem Zhdanov
magistracy, Mytischi Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University
(Mytishchi, Russian Federation),
Lina Zhdanova
magistracy, Mytischi Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University
(Mytishchi, Russian Federation),

Biodiversity conservation as the basis of the concept of sustainable cities

Scientific adviser:
Chernyshenko Oksana Vasilievna
Paper submitted on: 02/11/2021;
Accepted on: 02/26/2021;
Abstract. The sustainability of the megalopolis ecosystem depends on the biological diversity of natural territories directly. The article provides a brief analysis of three protected areas in Moscow: The Natural Reserve «Setun River Valley», the Natural History Park «Tushinsky», and the Natural History Park «Sokolniki». Based on the analysis, a conclusion is drawn about the urban development significance of territories with a high level of biodiversity.
Keywords: biodiversity; sustainable development; specially protected natural area; city ecological framework

For citation: Zhdanov, A. , Zhdanova, L. Biodiversity conservation as the basis of the concept of sustainable cities. StudArctic forum. 2021, 1 (21): 1.

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