No 1 (21): 16.



Scientific article

UDK 349.2


Vladislav Gatchenko
Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation),
Kristina Zubanova
Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation),

Electronic form of employment record as an innovation in labor legislation: advantages and disadvantages

Scientific adviser:
Biserova Irina Yuryevna
Roksana Malysheva
Paper submitted on: 12/24/2020;
Accepted on: 01/17/2021;
Abstract. Currently, the legislator is trying to keep up with the change in modern realities. Therefore, since recently, by the Russian legislation, it has been possible for employees to switch to the electronic format of the work record in order to ensure the rights of employees and warn against possible adverse situations. Of course, there are both advantages and disadvantages of an electronic work record. In this connection, it is necessary to analyze them qualitatively and offer possible options for eliminating these shortcomings.
Keywords: employment record, hard copy, electronic format, judicial practice, changes in legislation.

For citation: Gatchenko, V. , Zubanova, K. Electronic form of employment record as an innovation in labor legislation: advantages and disadvantages. StudArctic forum. 2021, 1 (21): 16.


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