No 1 (21): 6.

History and archeology


Scientific article

UDK 94(470.22)"16"


Daniil Golyaev
Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation),

The system of outposts and fortresses in the Russian-Swedish border area in the 17th century

Scientific adviser:
Suslova Evgeniya D.
Irina Suvorova
Paper submitted on: 12/18/2020;
Accepted on: 03/02/2021;
Abstract. The article is devoted to the reconstruction of the system of border fortifications in the Russian-Swedish borderland after 1617. At this stage of the study, a layer of information already introduced into the scientific circulation about the number and location of outposts and fortresses, about their appearance and condition in order to determine the experience accumulated by historiography in understanding the problem and identifying further prospects for its study. Collected in the literature, bit by bit, information about outposts, fortresses and fortresses is brought together in a specially developed electronic database. All discovered fortifications are identified on the map with varying degrees of accuracy. As it was possible to establish, in Russian historiography, attention is focused on the history of the borderland, considered as a process of building power structures on both sides of the border, the peculiarities of the relationship between the local administration and the population. Raising the issue of outposts and fortresses, scientists restored their "chain" along the entire length of the border, but its southern part, stretching along the Novgorod counties
- in Ingermanland and Ladoga region, has been most thoroughly studied. Until now, little is known about the fortifications located further north - in Karelia.
Keywords: Russia, Sweden, Russian-Swedish borderland, Olonets uezd, Outpost, Fortress, 17th century

For citation: Golyaev, D. The system of outposts and fortresses in the Russian-Swedish border area in the 17th century. StudArctic forum. 2021, 1 (21): 6.


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