No 4 (20): 17.

Sociology and Social Work


Scientific article

UDK 316.7


Nikolay Babarov
Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation),

Sociological survey of customer behavior in an online store

Scientific adviser:
Luzgina Elena Nikolaevna
Elena Luzgina
Paper submitted on: 12/13/2020;
Accepted on: 12/21/2020;
Abstract. The importance of conducting research on Internet consumption is shown. An example of conducting an Internet study of consumption by means of social networks is given. And at the end, recommendations for distributing questionnaires in such networks are given.
Keywords: online store, survey, consumption, social networks, sociology, digital economy

For citation: Babarov, N. Sociological survey of customer behavior in an online store. StudArctic forum. 2020, 4 (20): 17.


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