No 4 (20): 8.

History and archeology


Scientific article


Nikolai A. Dmitriev
The Tver State University
(Tver, Russian Federation),

The struggle of believers for churches in the Kalinin Diocese in the period of “church revival”

Scientific adviser:
Tatiana Leontieva
Paper submitted on: 12/10/2020;
Accepted on: 12/18/2020;
Abstract. The article is devoted to one of the aspects of state-church relations in the USSR – the struggle of believers for churches in the Kalinin diocese during the “church revival”. The author describes the concept of “church revival”, examines the procedure for opening churches, and studies the forms of struggle of believers for opening churches. On the basis of archival data, author concluded about the high activity of believers and the effectiveness of this struggle.
Keywords: Kalinin diocese; “church revival”; opening of churches; believers; parish; petitions; commissioner of the Council for the Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church; bishop.

For citation: Dmitriev, N. A. The struggle of believers for churches in the Kalinin Diocese in the period of “church revival”. StudArctic forum. 2020, 4 (20): 8.


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