No 1 (21): 13.

Physical culture and sport


Scientific article

UDK 378


Darya Drozhzhina
undergraduate, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation),

Hockey is a sport for general education schools of the future in the European North of Russia on the example of the Republic of Karelia.

Scientific adviser:
Elena A. Kalinina
Polina S. Voronina
Paper submitted on: 12/08/2020;
Accepted on: 02/23/2021;
Abstract. In the twenty-first century, general education schools operate according to the standards of the education system. Such sports as athletics, football, volleyball, basketball, skiing are taught in schools annually, but it is worth examining how schools would change with the incorporation of hockey into the educational curriculum. The advantages and the disadvantages of hockey, which have been identified via a survey of professional hockey players, give a full understanding of the importance of hockey in a child's life.
Keywords: sports; general education schools; development of physical qualities; physical education program

For citation: Drozhzhina, D. Hockey is a sport for general education schools of the future in the European North of Russia on the example of the Republic of Karelia.. StudArctic forum. 2021, 1 (21): 13.


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