No 4 (20): 14.

Sociology and Social Work


Scientific article


Vera Timonina
Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation),

Psychological features of social work with the elderly

Paper submitted on: 12/08/2020;
Accepted on: 12/18/2020;
Abstract. The article examines the psychological features characteristic of the elderly, which must be taken into account by a social work specialist when interacting with an elderly person. Changes in the leading type of activity after retirement, deteriorating health, and weakening of social ties have a negative impact on the psychological health of elderly people. Such psychological problems as a feeling of incomprehensibility and indifference, an internal state of loneliness, loss of fullness of life, suspicion, anxiety appear or worsen. The knowledge and understanding of a specialist in the psychology of the elderly will protect him from unwanted mistakes, will allow him to build a trusting relationship with the client for effective work.
Keywords: social work, elderly people, psychological features, old age crisis, communication

For citation: Timonina, V. Psychological features of social work with the elderly. StudArctic forum. 2020, 4 (20): 14.


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