No 1 (21): 3.

Cultural studies and socio-cultural projects


Scientific article

UDK 338.48


Ian Vimberg
bachelor, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation),

Possibilities of animation in preserving the historical and cultural heritage of circumpolar peoples.

Scientific adviser:
Plotnikova Victoria S.
Irina Suvorova
Paper submitted on: 12/04/2020;
Accepted on: 12/23/2020;
Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of assimilation of small circumpolar peoples. The author describes the possibilities of animation in preserving the historical and cultural heritage of the northern peoples, developing the idea of creating an animated series based on folklore as a method of developing the tourism industry in a specific territory with a potentially attractive status of recreation areas. In addition, the author comes to the conclusion that popularization of folk traditions through video content will help draw attention to the problem of assimilation of minority peoples and the preservation of their unique heritage.
Keywords: circumpolar North, Arctic, minority peoples, tourism, globalization, Karelia, Kalevala, epos

For citation: Vimberg, I. Possibilities of animation in preserving the historical and cultural heritage of circumpolar peoples.. StudArctic forum. 2021, 1 (21): 3.


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