No 4 (20): 10.

Psychological sciences


Scientific article


Oksana Kmito
magistracy, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation),

Personal qualities in the professional readiness of preschool teachers

Irina Suvorova
Paper submitted on: 12/02/2020;
Accepted on: 12/21/2020;
Abstract. The article presents the research materials of the professional readiness of preschool teachers. The relevance of the problem is connected with the introduction of the preschool teacher professional standard and the lack of qualified staff in the regions of Karelia. The research materials can be used in the organization of psychological and pedagogical support of the professional readiness of preschool educational organizations' teachers.
Keywords: preschool education, professional readiness, professional competence, professional competency, professionally important personal qualities

For citation: Kmito, O. Personal qualities in the professional readiness of preschool teachers. StudArctic forum. 2020, 4 (20): 10.


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