No 3 (19): 4.

History and archeology


Scientific article

UDK 93/94


Ilya A. Uriadnikov
Petrozavodsk State University (PetrSU)
(Petrozavodsk, Lenin Str.33),

Lauri Letonmäki: Strokes of biography

Scientific adviser:
Candidate of Historical Sciences
docent Solomeshch I. M.
Irina Suvorova
Paper submitted on: 11/30/2020;
Accepted on: 12/02/2020;
Abstract. The article briefly examines the strokes of the biography of Lauri Letonmäki, a prominent figure in the social democratic movement in Finland, who emigrated along with other "Red Finns" to Soviet Russia after the defeat of the left in the Civil War of 1918. Particular attention is paid to the little-known side of his activities – writing the first in the USSR generalizing works on the history of Karelia and Finland. The question is raised about the need for a comprehensive study of the historiographic heritage of L. Letonmäki.
Keywords: Red Finns, Lauri Letonmäki, biography, Soviet historiography of the history of Finland, Soviet Karelia.

For citation: Uriadnikov, I. A. Lauri Letonmäki: Strokes of biography. StudArctic forum. 2020, 3 (19): 4.


1. Letonmäki, L. Karjalan historia. Leningrad. Leningrad: Kirja: 284 p. 1931.

2. Letonmäki, L. Piirteitä Suomen ja Karjalan historiasta. Moscow: Tsentral’noe izdatel’stvo narodov SSSR: 124 p. 1925.

3. Letonmäki, L. O drevnei istorii Karelii [About the ancient history of Karelia]. In: Desyat’ let Sovetskoi Kareli 1920—1930 [Ten years of Soviet Karelia 1920-1930]. Petrozavodsk, 1930. p. 21–51.

4. Rukhanen, U. Letonmäki L. In: V vikhryakh veka: Vospominaniya i ocherki [In the whirlwinds of the century: memories and essays]. Petrozavodsk, 1991. p. 239-244.

5. Solomeshch, I. M. Obretenie Finlyandiej nezavisimosti v osveshchenii rossijskoj istoriografii [Finland’s independence in Russian historiography]. Nordic and Baltic Studies Review, No. 2, p. 430-437, 2017.

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