No 3 (19): 2.

Philosophy, ethics and religion


Scientific article


Victoria M. Rubtsova
Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Lenin street, 33),

Philosophical understanding of fear in the poem of Lucretius Kara "On the nature of things"

Paper submitted on: 11/19/2020;
Accepted on: 12/02/2020;
Abstract. This article discusses the problems of the emergence of human fear, its manifestations, features, types, as well as ways to deal with it using the example of the poem of the ancient philosopher Lucretius Cara "On the nature of things." The article highlights the causes of appearance, the main categories and ways to overcome this feeling. The study reflects the relevance of the topic both in the ancient era and in modern times, which shows its importance in people's lives. The main content of the study is the analysis of fragments from the poem "On the Nature of Things", which reflects not only the thoughts of the author, but also the spirit of society of that time as a whole, as well as a comparison of two societies: ancient and modern in the category of fear. Thanks to the study, the author identified and justified the means to combat fear, based on the epistemological aspects and relevant to date.
Keywords: fear; cognition; freedom; person; overcoming.

For citation: Rubtsova, V. M. Philosophical understanding of fear in the poem of Lucretius Kara "On the nature of things". StudArctic forum. 2020, 3 (19): 2.


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