No 3 (19): 7.

Economics and management


Scientific article


Ksenia A. Ryabova
magistracy, Petrozavodsk State University
(Lenin Ave., 33 Petrozavodsk, Russia),

Social insurance and social security system in Russia

Anastasia A. Shljamina
Paper submitted on: 11/18/2020;
Accepted on: 12/02/2020;
Abstract. Social insurance and security, which are social protection systems, provide an opportunity to exercise the constitutional rights of economically active citizens. The first involves obtaining material support in the event of illness, loss of a breadwinner, loss of full or partial working capacity, unemployment, old age, or insured events. Social security for the protection of the most vulnerable strata of the population who, due to special circumstances, cannot provide for themselves on their own - the elderly, the disabled, children, orphans, etc. The aim of the study was to study the process and features of social insurance and security in Russia. Using such research methods as information search and analysis, formalization, synthesis, classification, graphic modeling, generalization, conclusions were drawn about the need to reform the structure of social insurance and security. Also, the main directions and sources of cash receipts from the main funds of social insurance - the social insurance fund, the compulsory medical insurance fund, and the pension fund of the Russian Federation were highlighted, statistics on the income and expenses of the social insurance fund and the procedure for calculating insurance contributions in 2020 were provided. Conclusions are drawn about the need for social security payments.
Keywords: social insurance; social security; social insurance fund; insurance premiums; social payments

For citation: Ryabova, K. A. Social insurance and social security system in Russia. StudArctic forum. 2020, 3 (19): 7.


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