No 1 (17): 0.

Technosphere Safety and Environmental Engineering


Scientific article


Denis Bakhili
bachelor course, Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia in the Republic of Karelia
(Petrozavodsk ski 22A sq 46),

Rapid assessment of fire risks in the premises administrative facilities.

Scientific adviser:
Deputy head of UNK – head of the Department of supervision of UNK OND
Ph. D. associate Professor Colonel of the internal service Yagodka Evgeny Alekseevich
Paper submitted on: 10/08/2020;
Accepted on: 11/10/2020;
Abstract. The relevance of the topic is due to the introduction of a risk-based approach in the activities of state fire supervision bodies, which makes it necessary to make decisions when checking objects of protection, bringing to administrative responsibility, taking into account the degree of risk of harm.
Keywords: Development of Express formulas

For citation: Bakhili, D. Rapid assessment of fire risks in the premises administrative facilities.. StudArctic forum. 2020, 1 (17): 0.


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