No 3 (19): 3.

History and archeology


Scientific article


Pavel S. Travkin
bachelor, SPBU
(Universitetskaya emb., 7/9),

Africans in the Royal Dutch Army of the Nederlands-Indie

Anton A. Malyshko
Paper submitted on: 10/07/2020;
Accepted on: 12/02/2020;
Abstract. The Royal Dutch Army of the Nederlands-Indie (KNIL) was established in 1830. The main task of the army was the oppression of every revolt or rebellion against the Dutch all over Nederlands-Indie (contemporary Indonesia). Among the local population who served in the KNIL there was one unique group, namely the African soldiers who were brought to Indonesia as slaves from the Golden Coast. The article is related to the story of “the black Dutchmen” in Indonesia. Such issues as the appearance of Africans in the archipelago, their service in the KNIL, social status of “the black Dutchmen” in the society of the Oost-Indie in the 19th century, their relations with the locals and the problem of racism which was from the Dutch side as well as from the side of the locals. Another question, which was mentioned in the article, was the question of preserving the historical heritage of the “Belanda hitam”. The article was written with the usage of work of Dutch, Russian, and Indonesian scholars.
Keywords: the KNIL, Nederlands-Indie, colonial army, Africans, the history of Indonesia.

For citation: Travkin, P. S. Africans in the Royal Dutch Army of the Nederlands-Indie. StudArctic forum. 2020, 3 (19): 3.



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