No 3 (19): 8.

Economics and management


Scientific article


Romadina A. Polina
Master’s degree, SPbSTU
(St.Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya 29),
Maria A. Sturova
Master’s degree, SPbSTU
(St.Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya 29),
Okorokova.mashulya@mail. ru

Value stream mapping features in an office production conditions

Scientific adviser:
Simankina Tatyana Leonidovna
Valery A. Shlamin
Paper submitted on: 06/24/2020;
Accepted on: 12/06/2020;
Abstract. The article defines the key terms of the lean production concept, and describes, in general, their impact on the production flow efficiency. The main work is aimed at studying and describing such an element of lean production as value stream mapping. The paper examines the distinctive features of the value stream in office processes, and the product of these processes is the result of the interconnected departments intellectual work. It also reveals the impact of the identified differences on the creation of a value stream map. An algorithm for office processes mapping is developed and presented in the article. The scientific novelty of the study is the development of a step-by-step flowchart designed to select office processes that are suitable for mapping the value stream. As a result, we defined conditions required to map the value stream successfully and identify losses hidden in the office flow. The conditions are correct selection of the process to map, as well as attention to details caused by differences from value stream mapping in production.
Keywords: Lean production; losses; value; value stream; value stream map; office flow; mapping; optimization.

For citation: Polina, R. A., Sturova, M. A. Value stream mapping features in an office production conditions. StudArctic forum. 2020, 3 (19): 8.


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