No 4 (4): 27.



Scientific article

UDK 341.01


Viktor A. Grigorevskiy
(Lomonosova 63, Petrozavodsk),

International legal regulation of the rights of indigenous peoples to participate in managing state affairs

Anna P. Ukhanova
Paper submitted on: 11/18/2016;
Accepted on: 01/09/2017;
Abstract. This article presents a comparative analysis of the regulations of the various states concerning the rights of indigenous peoples to participate in managing state affairs, both among themselves and on their compliance with the universally recognized principles and norms of international law. As a result, consideration of the matter revealed some similarities in the application of international legal norms in different countries. It was concluded that this right can be called with respect to guaranteed in practice, different states, but a procedural mechanism for ensuring this right differs from state to state, and still needs to be improved.
Keywords: indigenous peoples, the right to participate in managing state affairs, international law, foreign experience.

For citation: Grigorevskiy, V. A. International legal regulation of the rights of indigenous peoples to participate in managing state affairs. StudArctic forum. 2016, 4 (4): 27.


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