No 1 (17): 3.

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries


Scientific article

UDK 680.35


Polina V. Krutikova
bachelor 's degree, Mytishсhi Departement BMSTU
(Mytishchi, Russia),

Monument of garden and park art - park of the Northern River Station: traditions and ecological significance

Paper submitted on: 01/23/2020;
Accepted on: 01/24/2020;
Abstract. Green plantations are adversely affected by atmospheric pollutants in the city. The number of suspended particles in the air is several times greater near roads and Highways compared to other territories of the city. The study is aimed at determining the absorption capacity of various species of trees and shrubs, assessing their stability and developing methods to increase the dust-filtering capacity of the park section on the side of the Leningrad Highway.
Keywords: Woody plants, shrubs, absorbency, dust-filtering ability.

For citation: Krutikova, P. V. Monument of garden and park art - park of the Northern River Station: traditions and ecological significance. StudArctic forum. 2020, 1 (17): 3.


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