No 1 (17): 2.

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries


Scientific article

UDK 630.18


Darya Kozlova
Mytishchi Departement BMSTU
(Moscow region, Mytishchi, 1st Institutskaya str., 1),

Sokolniki Park: historical value and ecosystem functions

Paper submitted on: 01/21/2020;
Accepted on: 01/24/2020;
Abstract. This article examines the role of Sokolniki Park as a historically significant object of the city of Moscow, as well as as one of the major plantings that perform important ecosystem services in the urban environment. This is confirmed by the data obtained in the study of dust-filtering of tree and shrub species growing in the Park. The use of species with the maximum dust filtering capacity can significantly improve the environmental situation of adjacent areas.
Keywords: park; ecosystem services; dust filtering capacity

For citation: Kozlova, D. Sokolniki Park: historical value and ecosystem functions. StudArctic forum. 2020, 1 (17): 2.


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