No 3 (15): 3–6.

Clinical Medicine


Scientific article

UDK 616.136.46


Ekaterina V. Dolgina
Specialty, PetrSU Medical Institute
(Russian Federation, Karelia Republic, Petrozavodsk, Krasnoarmeyskaya st, 31),

Acute mesenteric ischemia in the Russian Federation: a review of the problem

Scientific adviser:
Fetyukov Alexey Ivanovich
Professor of Hospital Surgery
ENT Diseases
Urology of the Medical Institute of PetrSU
Valerii Sidorov
Paper submitted on: 12/09/2019;
Accepted on: 12/12/2019;
Abstract. In the medical literature you can find such concepts as: abdominal pain syndrome, abdominal toad, etc. vascular surgery. This article will examine the basic concepts, diagnostic methods in the conditions of the clinic in the Russian Federation for the timely detection and hospitalization of acute mesenterial ischemia in the surgical hospital to reduce the risk bowel infarction and death.
Keywords: vascular bowel disease, small bowel ischemia, thrombosis, embolism, gangrene, vascular surgery

For citation: Dolgina, E. V. Acute mesenteric ischemia in the Russian Federation: a review of the problem. StudArctic forum. 2019, 3 (15): 3–6.


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