No 3 (3): 22–27.

Economics and management


Scientific article

UDK 368


Ekaterina K. Kozlova
Petrozavodsk State University
(Republic Karelia, Petrozavodsk, Pravdy st. 1),

Insurance market trends of Republic Karelia for first half-year 2016

Elena G. Emeljanova
Paper submitted on: 11/13/2016;
Accepted on: 12/05/2016;
Abstract. A considerable role in the economic stability belongs to the insurance market, which covers the scope of redistribution relations. Modifications of insurance are occurring against the backdrop of changes in the economic situation in our country. And we are interested in analyzing of insures are continuing to operate in Republic Karelia.
Keywords: Insurance market of Republic Karelia; Insurance premiums and payments; Voluntary insurance; Compulsory insurance; Insurance culture.

For citation: Kozlova, E. K. Insurance market trends of Republic Karelia for first half-year 2016. StudArctic forum. 2016, 3 (3): 22–27.


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