No 1 (17): 4.

Economics and management


Scientific article


Kristina D. Amosova
Petrozavodsk State university, Institute of Economics and Law
(Petrozavodsk, Russia),

Analysis of the market of bank certificates for 2008-2018

Oksana N. Prohorova
Paper submitted on: 09/20/2019;
Accepted on: 01/27/2020;
Abstract. Banks, being intermediaries in the financial market, can act as issuers of various types of securities, one of which is bank certificates. Banks use this type of securities to increase the resource base, and individuals and legal entities to generate income. The analysis of the dynamics and the structure of bank certificates was conducted in the article, the conclusions were made about the state of the market of bank certificates in Russia.
Keywords: bank certificates, banks, financial market, securities

For citation: Amosova, K. D. Analysis of the market of bank certificates for 2008-2018. StudArctic forum. 2020, 1 (17): 4.

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