No 1 (17): 1.

Education and teaching science


Scientific article

UDK 377.5


Svetlana V. Khudiakova
Magistracy, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
(Arkhangelsk, emb. Northern Dvina, 17,),

Humanitarian education criteria students of technical specialties

Scientific adviser:
Mikhashina Alla Stanislavovna
Paper submitted on: 09/18/2019;
Accepted on: 01/26/2020;
Abstract. The article is dealing with the components of the humanitarian education of students of technical specialties in educational activities, diagnostic tools, the research base, its stages and results.
Keywords: humanitarian education, mathematical research methods, communicative, creative abilities, ability to self-development, self-education of students.

For citation: Khudiakova, S. V. Humanitarian education criteria students of technical specialties. StudArctic forum. 2020, 1 (17): 1.


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