No 3 (19): 1.

Philosophy, ethics and religion


Scientific article

UDK 141.319


Daniil Y. Balandin
PetrSU IoP student, PetrSU
(Russia, RoK, Petrozavodsk),

The idea of God in E. Coreth's metaphysics

Scientific adviser:
Klyukina Lyudmila Aleksandrovna
doctor of philosophy
professor of PetrSU
Polina S. Voronina
Paper submitted on: 08/04/2019;
Accepted on: 11/18/2020;
Abstract. This article reveals the meaning of the E. Coreth’s idea of God on the basis of the analysis of his manual "Foundations of metaphysics". The author concludes that the E. Coreth’s idea of God can be considered as a metaphysical idea, with the help of which one can be rationally explained the interaction of absolute being and contingent being.
Keywords: metaphysics, Coreth, neo-Thomism

For citation: Balandin, D. Y. The idea of God in E. Coreth's metaphysics. StudArctic forum. 2020, 3 (19): 1.


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