No 1 (13): 5.



Scientific article

UDK 346.62


Oleg A. Chetyrbok
Bachelor, SPbSU
(University Emb., 7/9, St. Petersburg),

Individual investment account as a tool of the financial market: features of legal regulation

Timur V. Sokolov
Paper submitted on: 07/15/2019;
Accepted on: 07/16/2019;
Abstract. The article mainly deals with such a feature of the legal regulation of an individual investment account as the possibility of applying a tax deduction
Keywords: financial markets, brokerage account, individual investment account, tax deduction, tax law

For citation: Chetyrbok, O. A. Individual investment account as a tool of the financial market: features of legal regulation. StudArctic forum. 2019, 1 (13): 5.


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