No 1 (13): 1.



Scientific article


Roman A. Matzuev
academic baccalaureate, PetrSU
(33, Lenin Str., 185000, Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia),
Maria D. Meheda
academic baccalaureate, PetrSU
(33, Lenin Str., 185000, Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia),
Ilia O. Pronin
academic baccalaureate, PetrSU
(33, Lenin Str., 185000, Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia),

Problems of designing a multi-storey residential building in the city of Milan

Scientific adviser:
Zaitseva Maria Igorevna
Paper submitted on: 06/09/2019;
Accepted on: 06/19/2019;
Abstract. This article considers the main spectrum of problems that an architect-designer may encounter when creating a project of a “passive” multi-storey residential building in the city of Milan.
Keywords: Architecture; building; design; Design of Architectural Environment; Milan.

For citation: Matzuev, R. A., Meheda, M. D., Pronin, I. O. Problems of designing a multi-storey residential building in the city of Milan. StudArctic forum. 2019, 1 (13): 1.


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