No 2 (2): 13–19.

Materials technology


Scientific article


Michael A. Podovinnikov
(Lenina av. 33),

Clay brick as an object of study: the elemental composition and structure of the material

Accepted on: 11/27/2016;
Abstract. Objective: to analyze the elemental composition and structure of the material clay bricks. Object of research: material bricks with age from three to about 200 years. By electron microscopy to obtain data on the impact of the elemental composition the quality the brick. It was concluded that this compound depends on the technology manufacturing bricks and raw material preparation method for the manufacture bricks.
Keywords: clay brick, durability, quality, material structure, elemental composition, and electron microscopy.

For citation: Podovinnikov, M. A. Clay brick as an object of study: the elemental composition and structure of the material. StudArctic forum. 2016, 2 (2): 13–19.


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