No 3 (15): 1.

Education and teaching science


Scientific article


Danil A. Fokin
Petrozavodsk State University
(Pravda Street, 1-),

Russian and German educational models: an attempt of comparative analysis (a Russian student point of view)

Natalia Tokko
Paper submitted on: 05/30/2019;
Accepted on: 10/08/2019;
Abstract. In this comparative analysis of German and Russian school systems we tried to determine their basic principles and also to identify their advantages and disadvantages. The main goal of the research is an attempt to identify the weak positions in both systems and the main result is the categorizing of all aspects in two groups.
Keywords: school system, educational reform, standard, Bologna process.

For citation: Fokin, D. A. Russian and German educational models: an attempt of comparative analysis (a Russian student point of view). StudArctic forum. 2019, 3 (15): 1.


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