No 1 (13): 6.



Scientific article


Ekaterina Zybenskya
Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Lomonosova 65),

The role of digital photography in the investigation of crimes: using of the device - spectral videocomparator "

Paper submitted on: 02/16/2019;
Accepted on: 04/22/2019;
Abstract. Photographing as an objective form of capturing has a number of advantages over any verbal fixation method: the documentality of the images taken, their visibility, high accuracy and objectivity in the transmission of information, the relative speed of the fixing process. All this, in combination with the use of modern photographic equipment, makes forensic photography one of the most important ways of fixing evidence.
Keywords: Criminalistics, criminal law, digital photography, spectral video comparator, crime investigation

For citation: Zybenskya, E. The role of digital photography in the investigation of crimes: using of the device - spectral videocomparator ". StudArctic forum. 2019, 1 (13): 6.


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